Hello friends,

I am happy to have found this community that seems focused on solutions, positivity, and keeping each other accountable. I plan on staying staying active here for the duration of my recovery.

I'm 24 year old dude with pfs. I was an all state football player in high school, a 4 year starter at a D1 college, and just finished my undergraduate degree this summer. I took saw palmetto for 2 years and fin for 2 months. Quit both of them together and crashed 5 days later back In May.
I feel like I have a good grasp on CD's protocol and I have implemented some of it for a few weeks, but I intend in the very near future to juice feast and start over giving it 100%. I feel that is whats needed.

Next I'd like to list a few issues that are specific to me. And i'd like to make it clear that I don't say any of these things to complain. Fuck that. This is to introduce myself and seek help from the experienced people on this forum who may have insight into how pfs interacts with these things.

My health issues:
1) Ulcerative Colitus (autoimmune gut) - I take anti-inflammatory medication (Lialda)
2) Hashimotos thyroid disease (autoimmune thyroid) - I take nature throid 1.5 grain 2x day
3) Autoimmune hepatitis (autoimmune liver) - My liver is currently in bad shape. high liver enzymes in blood
4) Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (autoimmune liver) - these last two liver issues have come about only since pfs started. I've had to go on Prednisone for them unfortunately which is a steroid. Planning to do a PCT with herbs when I taper off of these hopefully in the next month.
I am worried about all of the autoimmune issues i've developed slowing recovery, so i'm constantly educating myself on how to mitigate them.
5) ADHD-personally I think ADHD is kinda bullshit, but I was diagnosed and I've been on adderall since I was 7.
Pfs seems to have shut down the effectiveness of adderall, and I have recently stopped taking it. I figure it can only help me to eliminate as many chemicals as possible from my body to help recover. Addy being a pretty gnarly one, as it is basically pharmaceutical meth.

My diet has been lower carb high fat paleo for a few months now. Brain fog comes from eating anything processed, and a few other things like dairy, nuts, and high glycemic fruits in excess. I've begun to figure out all I can/can't tolerate for myself, but if anyone can shed light on the rhyme or reason why specific foods = brain fog I'd love to hear!
Also, I do seem to get mild brain fog from even eating paleo foods, so i've found what works best for me is to fast early in the day and get all of my work done, and eat all my calories in a compressed window in the afternoon.

I finished my undergrad degree in business marketing this summer, and I had planned to go to grad school, but that's on hold for now. I know my next step for now is to find a job that's as stress free as possible, and can also support the excessively healthy lifestyle that's needed for recovery. This concept of looking for a job specifically for low stress is extremely alien to me (and avoiding stress in general)...I've played football in front of dozens of thousands of people tweeked out on adderall (meth lol), and it wasn't half as stressful as trying to work my job as a server post crash.

I would LOVE input from any of you guys on finding a job that is low stress, decent income, and where you don't need to be quick witted/have sharp memory. My two best ideas so far are some kind of driving job (Uber, Mailman, courier, ect) or something more related to my specific major, like social media management/digital marketing that could be done from home.

So yeah, That's about it!
Thank you for reading, and I look forward to hearing from you guys
Much love

P.s. if anyone on this board is in the Knoxville, TN area PM me! I'd love to meet up