so lads i am at a crossroads, i am feeling very confused and disillusioned at this point... i'm going to need some help on this.

so the past for the past 6 months i have been on an elimination diet to understand what are the foods that have been causing me eczema/hives out breaks all over my body/face/neck, and i am slowly finding out... this has been the most difficult thing i've faced in my life. so i've come to realize so many foods (all complex carb sources) give me rashes/slugishness/brainfog... so i cut carbs completely....

so i decided to do just a ketogenic diet, high protein, high fat and vegetables.....

i do the ketogenic diet for 1-2 weeks+ at a time with only almonds/squid/olive oil, i found success in that, i feel much better...

so at that point is when i decided to add vegetables into the diet so i dont stay/get more deficient in nutrients...

i tried to incorporate; spinnach, brokoli, cellury, cucumber, kale: All of these veges would give me rashes/terrible mood/flatulance.. i tried to do the same with chicken, SAME thing happend.

so i stopped the vegetables and stopped the chicken now... im back on the squid/almonds etc etc,

the only things so far ive noticed dont give me any rashes or bad moods is Almonds and Squid and steak.... but i dont know how sustainable this diet is?

these are the few things that dont give me such a bad reaction, but its so boring and i want to eat more variety but everything i eat gives me a bad response, i could list to you so many things that fuck me up, these are the only few things that are okay with me that i know so far.

so whilst having these foods that dont give me a bad reaction (im not on any supplements atm btw, i sstopped taking all supplements while doing this elimination diet because i didnt want to silently sabotage my self with things that might be giving me a bad response) i now have finally decided to start having some sex herbs like rhodia, tongkat ali etc etc.... SAME thing happens, i get rashes all over me and a bad mood, slugishness.... soo..... im stuck in a very hard spot right now,

what should i do? i want my hormones back on track, and same with my gut...but it seems like im having a bad reaction to these herbs, should i hold off on the herbs? im sick of being 22 with no sex drive... can someone please give some advice @cdnuts i really hope u can chime in

i literally stopped eating veges and juicing is out of the question, these sex herbs are out of the question also.