Dude I used to run 30plus miles a week..Owned a treadmill for 15 years..Would run 5.25 on average in 45 minutes..Keep a food journal, everything..Weight 160 to 165 for 15years..Now weigh 205! While taking this I noticed slight increase in my body fat and strange like fluid around stomach..After stopping have under went a complete physical change..I can barley run 2 miles now let alone 5..Energy is so low and the weight is so tiresome..Still can't figure this out but defintely hormonal its different than getting fat from consuming calories..I may try a fast next some have said that has helped..Its unbelievable really..I am getting a complete hormone panel done in next week or so..Will post results everyone tells me its estrogen taking over from lack of dht and low test causing the fluid retention and body fat..