konflict, just echoing what some of the other guys here are saying... you seem hell bent on looking for a pharma silver bullet that doesn't exist. If you're new to these health issues then I get it can be daunting and you just want things to go back to normal... before I came across the method of healing that CD promoted I tried everything short of TRT practically in the first year, and was in a state of panic. I travelled the globe to seek help from endo's that all tried variations on the same bullshit and couldn't help me at all.

Long story short, I wish i'd come across information and a positive environment like this in the first place.

Leave those other bullshit forums full of people wanting to compare how fucked up they are, how you need to take 6 million meds to try and mask symptoms and collude in the illusion that you can't get better and will only get worse from this shit. Change your mindset and focus on making positive changes to start getting better, which WILL happen with time... not as quick as you want it to, but with time. Don't dwell on your bloods so much, they dont have a magic answer, as if they did this would be easy to fix. Whole body healing using natural methods is the ONLY way to go.

Anyway... cut the 'but I'm really depressed and anxious' stuff, we've all been there and we get it, but now its time to ditch that shit and start making things better for yourself. Or dont. But don't expect us to humour a pity party like the other boards and go round in circles about how fucked up you can be from this stuff. That isn't what this board is about.

All the information is here, some of most intelligent people I know are here. Use it.