I read your write up on Pregnenolone as well as the one on Allopregnanolone. Besides learning a boat load about both I am confused about something I noticed in the path way chart you posted in your article. This question is not related to Pregnenolone or Allopreg but seeing that you obviously know a lot about this I figured I'd try asking.

The pathway chart shows Androsterone converting to Andro-Stanediol via 17BHSD. The chart also shows Andro-Stanediols ability to convert back to Androsterone via the same 17BHSD.

Looking backwards we can see the chart showing DHT converting to Andro-Stanediol via 3AHSD.

What I'm confused about Is that according to this chart Androsterone is not converting to DHT nor is DHT converting back to Androsterone. Reading information on the website of super R andro it seems as if the explanation as to how the product works is that it contains Androsterone which converts to DHT. But according to the detailed larger picture chart you posted (which is awesome by the way) clearly Androsterone can be seen converting to Andro-Stanediol with the ability to convert back to Androsterone using the same 17BHSD.

In other words DHT can be seen further back in the process and does its own thing moving along 3AHSD.

So what's the connection between Androsterone and DHT as it pertains to the logic behind more Androsterone equaling more DHT? According to the chart more Androsterone would equal more Andro-Stanediol and vise versa. The chart does not show Andro-Stanediols ability to move backwards down stream using the 3AHSD which I'm assuming is what would need to happen in order for more Andro-Stanediol to mean more DHT.

Again this is completely unrelated but after studying the chart I'm just naturally curious about this seeing that I personally get good results from Super R andro and always contributed this to its ability to convert to DHT.

Am i missing something or not understanding something?