
25yrs old, saw palmetto for like 10 days, three months ago.

Various crashes, various returns to 95-100%, gradual decline, huge, huge crash about a week ago following what I think was an un-fortuitous re-feeding process after a 50ish hour water fast (also took Prescript-Assist immediately after, which might have been too much. I honestly have no idea, but I went from 98% to crashing 2-3 times harder than I'd ever crashed).

Foregoing the fast/feast for now, because the huge crash came after a fast, and I would like to give my body some consistency.

I suspect the first thing CD will do when he sees this is tell me to do a feast, but I don't think it's a good idea at this point. I've been roller-coastering a lot as I adjust my diet, and it's my personal belief that the organs need consistency more than cleansing at certain times.

Before I get accused of this, I am absolutely not avoiding feasting out of laziness - I'd bottle and drink my own semen if I thought it would help. I can just intuitively sense that consistency is key for a month or so.

Other than that, I'm doing everything to the T, with a few small add-ons I've discovered.

Blah blah, who cares.

Questions and Comments:

1) Is there any kind of general consensus on Creatine for PFS? Seems like it could only help, but I've been hesitant to try it.

2) If anyone wants to exchange what I'd call "protocol stacks," I think it could be helpful. These are combinations of food/food timing/supps/supp timing/exercise/herbs/etc. that I've developed or read about.

Example: Moderate intake of black coffee before a workout supposedly increases test 12-18%. HIIT obviously increases T and GH, as does sunshine. The recommendation for herbs is with coffee on an empty stomach. HIIT in a fasting state further increases GH. Therefore if one were to regularly skip breakfast, take a t-boosting herb with a small amount of coffee, and then go do an HIIT session outside shirtless, there should be a big surge in the hormones we're trying to surge. If that makes no sense, let me know - I'm far from a scientist.

3) CD, I found a grammatical error on the very first sentence of the website, lol. Also, it should be "Putting it All Together." I was an English major, and I'm more than willing to help edit the entire thing, now, intermittently, or at the end - just say the word.