Water fast- This is obviously the first part. Its not a problem for me. So if i get the fast out of the way, right now, would It be a bad thing if i went back to my current diet after the fast for a little bit? Because right now, I dont have the funds for the herbs and the better brands of foods at the moment YET.

And diet of now is this- My main everyday staple- Eggs, peanut butter sandwiches, tuna, lean chicken, body fortress whey protein powder, broccoli and watermelon. I just recently added the broccoli and watermelon about 2 months ago.

Prohormones- are they necessary? heard they can make you lose hair faster. It was never my choice to even take propecia at a young age 16. And idiot parent talked me into it at the time. Now at 30, having been off the drug for 5 years, my hairline is noticeably receding and at the moment, its looking like im gonna have no dick and no hair at the same time! I was talked into propecia because I have 3 brothers from other mothers who are bald, and my father was bald.

And time it takes to recover--- I'm reading that supposedly it takes 2 years to recover. I've already suffered for a decade. Not even fully aware of the fact that i had PFS until 2 months ago. Ive missed out on so much. I used to think that it was just ED. But it was definitely that damn propecia!!! While doing all this stuff to recover, will i still be able to enjoy my life at the same time? Im already getting older, and have lost alot of time. Can i still try to get laid / and or have a relationship with a woman? Im really trying to make 2017 THE YEAR!!! I could always get the woman with ease, but never keep them, due to my PFS. Some of them were like fantasy women too!!! and while they were very nice at first, but very vein and shallow as hell towards my PFS!