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  1. #1
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    Unfortunate 20yro Saw Palmetto sufferer looking for some quick tips from CD/Entropy

    Hey fellas!

    Firstly i am not one of those cringworthy Propeciahelp guys. That forum is horrible and i stay well away from it.

    Basically i took saw palmetto at 16 and developed the following symptoms after stopping
    -no libido
    -low motivation
    -puffy face
    -lose of body hair

    So basically all androgen deprivation sides. I dont feel like a man anymore and ive been basically assexual for 3 years. I am 20 years old now and i only discovered it was PFS recently. I thought it was in my head at the time even though i was having severe testicular pain after the saw palmetto.

    I tried TRT for a while and had perfect bloodwork on it for hormones and i still felt no change so i stopped. Im planning to get some new bloodwork soon in the next few weeks. My metabolism is shot aswell and i have low cortisol which adds to the fatigue.

    But overall i will recover within the next year or so, i meditate 2 hours a day, eat paleo diet and sleep 9 hours a night (light sleep not refreshing) I do not train now because PFS led to a back injury that never healed which i am trying to rehab. I tried taking 25mg clomid once and i went pre PFS for a day and had insane libido and deepening of voice but it didnt last. Im not really interested in messing with hormones because its a rollercoaster for me.

    Pretty much i just want some quick tips and i will be on my way, il be over this in the next year i just wanted to clarify a few things. My recovery only really started now because ive been binge drinking and using drugs for the last few years because i didnt know i had PFS.

    Im pretty broke right now but i can afford some herbs. Im thinking of using tongkat ali, tribulus and another that i will alternate in a similar fasion to CDnuts. Also wondering which herbs entropy used/uses for his recovery?

    I understand that its very unfortunate to end your puberty at 16 because of some damn saw palmetto, but i have my entire life ahead of me and im not going to melt in sorrow like those guys on propeciahelp. Im taking my life back and this will be a positive experience that i will never forget.

    Cheers fellas.

  2. #2
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    Androgen deprivation is more like
    Thinning skin
    Muscle atrophy
    Shrinking genitals
    Your sides are more low t than no t

    Anyway just read all of CD's and english's posts on this site.
    Last edited by strykers12; 09-09-2015 at 12:04 AM.

  3. #3
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    Yeh well on trt my test levels were 900 with estradiol 28, prolactin 5 and DHT and progesterone in range and i still felt the same. Even with thyroid up to par. So im sorry i meant DHT deprivation

    Cheers il get reading. My testosterone works as if i use high dose test i build musscle. Its the DHT that doesnt work. Ive tried masteron, DHT gel in high doses and get no effects.
    Last edited by douglasmich; 09-09-2015 at 12:07 AM.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by douglasmich View Post
    Yeh well on trt my test levels were 900 with estradiol 28, prolactin 5 and DHT and progesterone in range and i still felt the same. Even with thyroid up to par. So im sorry i meant DHT deprivation

    Cheers il get reading. My testosterone works as if i use high dose test i build musscle. Its the DHT that doesnt work. Ive tried masteron, DHT gel in high doses and get no effects.
    First up you don't know that it's the DHT that doesn't work, you have no clue what exactly is causing you to feel bad, and nor does any endo, jel (i love him by the way and he helped me alot) or anyone else. It is too damn complex. Only your body knows, and it will never tell you in plain english because that is not the way it works. Your body will tell you though if you listen to it, but you have to treat it right, and lead it down the right path mentally speaking.

    You must read all of my posts and those of CD's, read entropy's too. Forget everything you've ever read on hormones and how this or that is causing your issues. You need belief in your body and mind, feed it right, exercise the fucker regularly, and think in the right way. At your age it is impossible that you won't recover if you follow the path of CD, me, mitch, chi, entropy and all the others who have done the same thing and guess what? - recovered fully.

    Belief is what you need, not trying to understand things that no one on earth understands fully yet. Keep it simple stupid. Belief and simplicity, live your life in an ever increasingly healthy way, smash it mentally every day, and leave all this shit behind you, it is that easy if you let it.

  5. #5
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    I was as recovered as this had grown muscles back was androgen irregular erections could drink alcohol.and Walsall day maybe next day

    - - - Updated - - -

    RIP Mich

  6. #6
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    I dying hate this English cunt

    In was recovered when that sunburned up whines Insomstipid to not see it?

    In had nocturnal spontaneous erections libido everything
    I should have been the king of propecianhell help not that chi cunt

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