First of all I'd like to say that I'm suffering with H Pylori and I assume Leaky Gut and Candida as I have a lot of those symptoms, so my gut isn't in great shape atm. (Due to PFS, please move this thread if it is in the wrong place, I just figured non-PFS guys might have inputs too.)

So I eat a Paleo type diet and my Proteins and fats are largely coming from Fish, Chicken, Coconut, Avocados. Thinking of adding chicken or lambs liver, is this good?

I've been avoiding red meat as I heard it was much harder to digest. If I start to add in some red meat maybe once a week, is it best to add lean cuts or fatty cuts like mince? (In terms of Testosterone building, digestion, and overall health)

Or would you recommend I avoid the red meat altogether until my digestion improves?

Hope this makes sense, appreciate all feedback