So I've been playing around with a new dosing scheme concerning shilijat resin Shilajit Resin - Guaranteed Potency - Lost Empire Herbs that I want to share.

I've been taking this DAILY for the past six weeks and have noticed a few benefits worth mentioning. I know this is outside of my rotation protocol, but it is with reason that I decided to try this. Shilijat is loaded with bioavailable minerals that are needed for the myriad of enzymatic reactions that make life possible. Seeing as we are constantly being stripped of these minerals just as a function of daily life, you can never have enough of them stocked up. To me, this alone is a fantastic enough reason to supplement with this everyday, just the same as you would with magnesium. These minerals are in constant demand and when you run low or run out, problems easily arise.

Shilijat isn't really an herb moreso then a substance. It's actually considered a food, and as such with food, the more regularly you take it, the more the benefits actually accumulate.

So I've noticed that over the past six weeks I've been getting a considerable boost from my regular herb rotating protocol which is surprising, seeing as I don't really "feel" the herbs much anymore because I'm operating at such a high baseline. I feel great on the daily and my hormones are cruising at a nice level. I've actually been able to lower my herb doses to about half the recommended dosage, sometimes less. As you continue on with the protocol, you'll notice that you don't need as much to get the same response because over time, with continued use, AND continued rotation, the herbs actually become MORE effective. I'm not sure why this happens scientifically, but the guys over at Lost Empire herbs confirmed this. Your herb stash actually ends up lasting a long, long time once your body gets in the groove.

So, I was surprised that despite these lower doses, and because of my baseline, I was actually feeling a "kick" from the herbs again. It was very strange. I actually had to back down even further on some of them because my libido was really starting to get annoying. I didn't really get it how I was reacting so strongly to something as low as a quarter dose of certain herbs.

So while I was talking to Lost Empire about this, I mentioned what I was doing with the shilijat. And they confirmed again, that by taking the shilijat daily, I was in fact increasing the effect of ALL the other herbs I was rotating! They even went as far as saying that people who take pharmaceuticals should be very careful when supplementing with shilijat because shilijat increases the effect of ANYTHING you take it with!

I thought this was phenomenal and it exactly mirrored my experiences over the past six weeks.

So, if you have the budget, or even better, have the shilijat, try taking it daily for the next couple of weeks and see what happens. This stuff is super concentrated, so you don't need much. Something the size of a pea or less will do the trick. For you guys on a budget, or just for those who are looking to get more of a kick out of their current regimen, this little hack will foot the bill.