Hello everyone,

Not sure how to begin. I began taking Fin in 2014 at the age of 22. Started with .5mg EOD and never brought it up more than that. I'll say I wasn't very faithful and would often forget to take it for days, and as a result I'm not sure how well it worked. Over the years I think I've seen a slight worsening in my hairline. I've also noticed more chest hairs and more facial hair. So, again, not sure how well it worked. About a month or so ago I decided I didn't care anymore, didn't want to risk getting prostate cancer down the line and didn't want to be on another drug for life. It's here I should mention I have Crohn's Disease. I know another member here has IBD, the U Tennessee fellow, so would love your advice if you catch this. Anyway, the only major side I ever noticed was short term watery semen. This actually went away while on the drug and that was it. Maybe some forgetfulness/brain fog? But I've been a stoner for years so I would chalk it up to that.

Anyway, so about a month ago I quit cold turkey. In the back of my mind, of course, was the fear of PFS. Good to note here that I have a history of OCD, anxiey, and hypochondria. I really never should have hopped on the drug simply for that. I didn't feel anything really until this weekend. Last Friday I got really, really drunk. Ended up puking on the subway platform by myself, not the proudest of moments. I also developed a cold that night lol. I went home for Mother's Day on Saturday and came back on Sunday night. Very randomly on Sunday I got it in my head that I needed to check to see if I could still get it up. I brought up some videos and tried, took a long time and when it got there it wasn't at full strength, and left quickly after I finished. At this point I started to worry more. Went to sleep, woke up the next day with what I think was some wood, and noticed throughout the day that my flaccid member seemed smaller. Less girthy and shorter. Not sure if it feels "rubbery" though. That freaked my out more. Later that night tried to masturbate again and couldn't get it up. I did finish though. And then I spent the night awake because my hypochondria, OCD, and anxiety kept my mind racing. I'm also wondering if my balls are smaller. I should note that these are my ONLY symptoms at the moment.

So, I have several questions.

1) Do you think I could be imagining this, getting into my head too much out of the blue, and that's what's causing things?

2) If it is related to Fin, do you think additional sides could develop?

3) Worst comes to worst and I want to start this regimen right away, do you think my Crohn's would **** things up? I checked some of the interactions of the herbs and some of them say to avoid if taking an immunosupressants (Ashwaghanda, ex)

4) I ended up taking another .5mg this morning out of fear. Bad idea, good idea? I was thinking of trying to ween off slowly.

I have an appt with an endo on Thursday, too.

Thanks everyone.