Hey guys- I'm new here. User name over at SolvePFS is blindsided and I have previously communicated with a couple of you over there. Thanks for helping to get me on my way to recovery.

I KNOW that there is really no point in sharing my story here (and symptoms), but in a sense it is somewhat therapeutic for me so hope you don't mind. Also, I would like to be able to reference this post after I recover.

My story recap: I was prescribed Propecia for a cystic acne condition that I have been dealing with most of my adult life. I first started the poison in 2009. No noticeable side effects for around 6 years on the drug. At around the 6 year mark (Dec. 2015) , all of a sudden 1 night I could not get an erection with my wife and I just felt off. It was on my birthday no less so I will never forget the exact date. Remembering that Fin could cause ED, I stopped the drug a few days later. Which I now realize is typical, I felt good for like 3 weeks and then all of a sudden hell broke loose and the side effects started to wreak havoc over the course of a few months. It began with the terrible insomnia which I know many of you can relate to. The first 6 months were a whirl wind, having no clue what was happening to my body. Around 2 months after I quit is when I found out about PFS. I didn't know what to do at that time, but quickly realized that doctors were useless to me. I have now been off the drug for around 17 months.

Most of my sides were/are of the mental and physical variety. For some reason, I was not hit hard with the sexual sides, although not 100% in that department either. Main sides are digestive issues (loose stools and stomach pain), muscle/weight/subcutaneous fat loss (can't gain weight), veins more prominent in hands, arms, and legs, some general soreness, some fatigue, lower energy, dark circles around eyes, bruise and get cut easily (slow wound healing), and frequent urination. Also the normal mood stuff- less motivation and drive, some brain fog, and just overall not clear headed. Thankfully, my sleep has improved since last year. Still not great, but MUCH better than it was.

Enough with my story. Around 4 months ago (after talking with Maxout) I started CDs protocol. I have since completed a 14 day juice feast and have been diligent on the rest of the protocol. It took some time, but I now have the diet dialed in and am rotating the herbs. I have made this my lifestyle. I do have pockets of time where mentally I feel pretty clear minded. I know that I can recover, but not expecting it to happen overnight.

I have a wife and a beautiful 7 year old baby girl- you can bet that they are all the motivation that I need.

Looking forward to recovering.....