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Thread: re pfs symptoms

  1. #1
    New Member Feedback Score 0
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    re pfs symptoms

    Hi guys,

    New here and just had a quick question that I've been desperately trying to find an answer to, with pfs is erectile dysfunction and loss of libido always a side effect? As I am all good on the sexual side of things but I'm struggling with some cognitive and physical symptoms, so I'm praying it may be something else but have been experiencing these symptoms since quitting fin 3 months ago.

    Any answers would be much appreciated.

    Cheers guys

  2. #2
    Established Member Feedback Score 1 (100%) Grape Ape's Avatar
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    I don't think all side effects are guaranteed. Keep in mind that there are people who experience zero PFS sides. I would count your blessings, on not having any sexual sides, but wouldn't think too much about it. The mind can be pretty powerful, and if you expect to have these issues, they just might manifest.

    That all said, the CDN protocol is still your best bet. Even if ypur symptoms aren't a result of PFS, the protocol is still a powerful tool. It's all about living a healthy lifestyle. Something everyone should be behind.

    My issues arose from abusing designer orals in my late teens. Developing my own healthy lifestyle/routine/protocol, almost identical to CDN's(I didn't know of his at the time, which makes it a testament to what truly works) was what ultimately lead to me healing both my body and mind. That and "Time." Time is possibly the most important aspect to healing, and almost always the most overlooked. There is no instant gratification on this journey(well maybe a great workout, some easy sex, awesome food, and the occasional buzz).

    Even to this day, I have to impliment the same practices to continue to heal myself on a daily basis. It's a life long journey, and even after you beat this, it will be the basis for becoming a better you. The best you, you can be. You'll get out, what you put in.

    Best of luck on your journey.
    Last edited by Grape Ape; 09-10-2017 at 12:54 PM.

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