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Hello guys.
It’s been a while I didn’t log in, hope you all are doing well.
I want to report that I’m feeling good, honestly I’m not following the protocol nomore from a while but despite this, I’m doing very well, I can say PFS is not anymore part of my life and I’m living a normal life… no brain fog, not sexual problems, I can focus again etc…
Only one thing I still have here and there is the nervous system problem (I’m here and there feeling numbness at nerves in my legs), but it doesn’t bother me at all…
Im planning to get back on the protocol from this week again cause I want to see what is going to happen since I’m already feeling good without it…
I would like to improve even more my wellness…!!
…. And last news I want to report is that my gf waits a little babygirl from 3 months, so I’m gonna be a father soon!!
This is another question that many of us have about PFS, so yes… we still can have kids!!
I will report soon about my state coming back to the protocol….!!
Cheers and keep going, life is still there waiting for all of us!!!