Quote Originally Posted by Ridd View Post
I understand the sentiment CD, and I'm sorry for offending you.

I'm a pretty computer savvy guy, and I had so much trouble actually getting this forum to work properly, imagine the avg person who would just give up. I messaged both you and the admin MULTIPLE TIMES without any resolve or even a personal message from the admins. I'm happy you sent me a msg saying you couldn't do anything and that the admins were gone (lol) but to me it shows that the people who run this site haven't prioritized making it function optimally. I registered back in february, 5 MONTHS before I actually got an account here that worked properly. my 3rd or 4th account after sending many messages about how I'm desperately trying to get access to this forum and NOTHING.

I have sent messages about how upset I was to the admins, and what they need to fix. Nothing. No response. It's very clear to me that they simply don't care. It is negative CD, and I understand you are a mod and have to protect their reputation or whatever, but dude, I've only experienced negative from this website's architects, what can I do at this point so that others aren't in my situation? I have done everything you have said, I have been private and civil through my frustration, and I have been completely ignored without even the decency of a personal message, just automated ones.

This isn't a matter of me being negative for no reason, I'm an incredibly positive person. but without any other options left, I cannot feel good about my experience getting this forum to work properly, especially after the carelessness that was apparent from the interactions I had, and I feel they deserve to know that there are many things, not just including the registration process, that need fixing here. These people need to know that their architecture is massively flawed, and I have tried to let them know that without any sort of response or acknowledgement.

I appreciate this forum for all of the people here and the work that has been done by people like you to make this a great place; this isn't about that. It's simply about the priorities of the architects of this website. I think someone needs to tell them, and if they wont take in what I say, I find it hard for me to sugarcoat it. They need a wake up call.

No intention of being offensive CD, to you or the admins here, although it's incredibly frustrating. I wouldn't type this out unless it was a legitimate issue that I think needs resolving. I want this website to do well and it simply wont with the priorities that are currently given. It pains me to imagine anyone else being denied access to this website for 5 fucking months because of carelessness. I really needed this earlier and it put me down hard when I couldn't get any support when I was where I was 5 months ago. I actually messaged you back then because it was all I could do.

And you're right about the being your own storm thing. I guess I would just find it convenient to ship off somewhere without the distractions that make recovery more difficult for us. I guess this is our temple, which is why I love this place and genuinely want it to do well.
I'm not protecting anything at all. That part is out of my hands. My point is, you either let things effect you, or you don't. It all starts with YOU. You had access to the website which is all you need to succeed. (My website, not this forum.)

This board is NOT a propecia board and the last thing the admin is worried about is how you're feeling. He's an extremely busy guy and it is what it is. We are lucky that we have this place regardless. At any moment he can decide that this is not the direction he want's this forum to go in, and that's it....it's done. Appreciate it while it's here.

I take no offense at all as I don't take anything personally. You shouldn't either.

My point is to publicly call it a piece of shit is not a good look.