So today I have begun my second cycle, following my previous successful 6 week cycle with IML R-Andro at 400mg daily. If you want a summary of how that went it is in the PFS section under ‘Swill’s Dance with R-Andro.’

Note: I am recovering from PFS and part of this log will focus on the progress or otherwise of my side effects in this regard as well as the bodybuilding/physique element… I put it in Personal Training Logs as figure this is the best fit but Mods feel free to move if you wish!

For this cycle I am going to stack IML R-Andro (400mg) daily, with IML 4-Andro (400mg)… I am starting the cycle with 250mg daily and going to gradually increase to 400mg over the first couple weeks. The cycle length is 12 weeks, so a nice long run. The dosing will be 200mg R-Andro and 200mg 4-Andro in the morning, and the same pre workout… any advice or comments please chime in here J

About me: 5ft11”, 181.5lbs fasted morning weight. I have been battling with A LOT of injuries, mainly back injuries over the last year or so, as well as popping a rib around 3 weeks back which was agony. I am hoping for a good run and staying injury free, but as a result of the breaks in training from injuries I am not as lean as I once was. I have attached pictures taken last night on the post below; taken last thing at night following a BIG backload after training legs so a little bit of bloat in them.

My training is going to be very varied for the duration of the cycle but I am definitely intending to push myself injuries permitting. It may involve some longer running and cardio due to an attempted pre-season soccer comeback in the coming weeks (back injuries have ruled me out for nearly all of last season). I will certainly be prioritising strength training in the gym and will be sure to hit the major compounds for the duration of the cycle, it will be a minimum of 4 gym sessions per week as well as getting my HIIT and cardio on top of that with the soccer training etc. I also do a ‘Yoga for Athletes’ class once a week, which is excellent for core strength and mobility, and cuts out a lot of the spiritual aspect of Yoga.

I will be very consistent with my diet, clean and focus around the principles of carb backloading to lean up, 5 meals a day and will monitor and adjust as necessary. I will be supplementing with BCAA’s and creatine daily, as well as liquid Solgar vitamin D3 (5000 iu daily) and spirulina and a Natural Calm magnesium supplement pre-bed.

Looking forward to keeping you updated with progress with regard to strength and size gains and all other observations (including those PFS related) for the duration of the cycle. Will also post progress pictures along with regular updates. Any questions, ask away!