Guys - look, there's plenty of things that are "DHT Inhibitors" aka, 5ARIs.....beta sitosterol (eggs, avocados, tomatoes), lauric acid (coconut oil), GLA (spirulina), in things that are everyday foods, supplements, etc. Just because it has an ingredient that is a 5ARI, doesn't mean in it's WHOLE FORM, that it is a total 5ARI (like, Saw Palmetto, Fenugreek, Finasteride, Dutasteride, Nettle Root, etc.). It's all about a compounds chemical makeup that causes it to either do that, or not.

He Shou Wu is also one of my favorite herbs too - I've NEVER, even back in the darkest of days, experienced anything similar to the 5AR inhibition issues I had with saw palmetto. If anything, I had the opposite.