So I was interested in the conversion of androsterone to dht (obviously is important for us).

I read this explanation from tubzy:

Androsterone Thyroid Surrogate Androgen | Anabolic Apex

The pathway to dht from androsterone is clear.

However, where I am confused is that I have been reading that 1-androsterone does not convert to dht or estrogen, but a form of testosterone.

1-Andro vs. 4-Andro

And then on the other hand we have the r-dhea in super r Andro which does convert to dht but not estrogen.

Tubzy, would you be able to explain the differences here and confirm whether just plain old androsterone does convert to dht?

Also, what implications does this have for the androsterone in pine pollen? Is it of the 1-androsterone form and does not convert to dht, or more like the r-dhea and does convert to dht? Or it converts to dht through other pathways.