Have a bit of head cold last week, it was ok but I was outside for work and came back etc. I should be alright in a day or two.

Regime currently.
Niaciminade (daily)
Vitamin D
Pine Pollen (daily) Just a few days.

I have added the following herbs( hopefully arrive in a few days)

He Shou Wu Extract
Maral Root Extract
Cistanche Organic Dual Extract

Rotating the herbs is working very well for me . I have responded extremely well to the program. Lots of energy and generally feel much better than before but still some down turns which are inevitable.

My sleep is basically like this . I go to bed fall asleep easily. Wake up at about 3am with erection( much better than previously in terms of strength and how long it lasts) . Go back to sleep after 5 to 10 min . wake up at 7-7.30am. Not ahuge problem but this is basically the way it is.

The herbs really help with performance in the gym. I am only 71kg but can squat 145kg x5 pretty easily. But trying not to over do it. Basically just gym 2 times a week and HIIT the other days. Bdoyweight pull ups etc.

I tried to tell my sister and parents but they dont really get it. Generally telling people who dont have this , maybe its hard for them to comprehend what its like.

The conversations Iv had with people on here have generally helped me much more tbh.