Hi guys,

I've been keeping my head down and chipping away with the protocol and slowly but surely I've been moving in the right direction, ive just been rotating the herbs along with paleo and exercise and have thus far have avoided pro hormones, its really helping me particularly with my mental state and slowly with physical symptoms I know I will get through it but something that happened last night has me a bit freaked, when I got hit with PFS I remember clearly that night going to bed and getting a sharp stabbing pain in my balls and through to the glans, quite a sharp nasty pain out of nowhere, the next morning I woke up sensation had gone from below and with that everything started to go to shit, for the first few weeks after this I got the odd shooting stabbing pain thankfully that eventually subsided.

Last night I got a similiar pain again which did freak me out a bit as its been so long since that happened and wondering wtf would cause it or could it be actually a good sign that things are rebalancing?

Ive no interest in going to a doctor as they havent a fucking clue when it comes to this as we all know and they cost me a small fortune plus I trust the opinion of cd and others here more than I ever will a doctor so am I concerned over nothing and is this norm on the path to recovery?

Cheers guys,
