At firt lets analyze our condition pre-protocol:

Well, it seems like we were took to some degrees below puberty (there is no proper sexual function, the androgens doesn't process the adult amount of androgens, it is down-modulated).
Lets analyze the puberty

Puberty for males last:

age 11 to 17 (around six years)

Around the last 3 years (15 to 17) we begin to see the explosion of pro-sexual effects, it gets extremely highlited (peak sexual urges and a great erection engineering).

The androgens increase , and the body goes getting more modulated until the sexual effects - erection, libido - on last 3 years explode (there is no modulation until it is needed, the body will get hungry for modulation when it is provocated by the increasing of androgens on puberty ).

And have you ever realized the pro-sexual effects stick even after puberty (when androgens level drop)???? Is it not a great coincidence with the guys wich got cured and claim to get stick on this state??? The puberty created a baseline for the body wich stick on adult life even when androgens drop, the "funnel" for androgens has increased, our body is extremely smart, he decides is not need anymore the great amount of androgens to keep the sexual effects and to develop the body parts.


1-The body increase androgen and keep it for a long period of time so that the up-modulate state stick between other reasons

2-The androgen levels drop after puberty and the sexual positive sides stick

The protocol works, we need to recreate the persistent-baseline wich puberty is able to do for us

Use the herbs for at least several months, your body will adapt to it. If even the own body engineering take years to present the great sexual effects as to libido and erection and stick to it why do you want the new baseline in few months??