Hey, I ventured over to the "dark side" recently and read something surprisingly positive ... it involved ginkgo.

A PFS sufferer was recommended ginkgo by his doctor because it has been used successfully for SSrI induced sexual problems, as seen in this link
Ginkgo biloba for antidepressant-induced sexual dysfunction. - PubMed - NCBI.

The guy was doing all the right things diet and training-wise but he says recovery came very quickly when he started taking ginkgo. His story is a lot like the guy on here who took licorice extract.

As for dht, This study shows that ginkgo alone had no effect on 5ar but had very pro androgenic effects when combined with exercise.
Action Mechanism of Ginkgo biloba Leaf Extract Intervened by Exercise Therapy in Treatment of Benign Prostate Hyperplasia

His story sounds legit, and the science is there. I'm gonna experiment with this one