Hey everyone,

I'll try to keep it as brief as possible. From February 8-14th, I was in Cuba. The only reason I mention this is due to the possibility of this being an immunologic disorder and I maybe picked up a bug from there. From February 28th- March 11th, I took an over the counter aromatase inhibitor called "Elim1nate" which has the active ingredient Arimistane in it. Near the 9th of March, I felt so extremely fatigued and basically like I had the flu. I realized it was the stuff I was taking and decided to call it quits on the 11th. At first, I thought I crashed my estradiol. But my bloodwork a month later revealed I had an E2 level of 18 (0-35). Additionally, people have posted that arimistane does nothing to your E2 levels and isn't effective.

Here is where I really connect arimistane to finasteride: The two are very similar in molecular structure and people have claimed (without studies) that arimistane lowers DHT. I have taken chemistry courses all through college and I am aware that two molecules can be similar in structure but still behave very differently if even off by a hydrogen atom. But still, I have all of the same symptoms as you. Additionally, arimistane has the ending "tane which makes me think of accutane like molecules which have caused PFS like symptoms amongst others.

Since then (7 months), I've had ED, low/no libido, intense fatigue that comes in waves, muscle wastage, weakness when lifting and running, my sense of smell is weaker, anhedonia, anxiety, and I pee all damn day. I've also developed more fat on my chest, and it looks like gyno but the tissue isn't glandular. My balls are super tight a lot of times and look small and my dick looks smaller and has developed a slight curve to the left. My dick also feels a little hard when its soft, its hard to explain. I take viagra for sex and it works but I still don't feel as full as usual. Also, less sensitivity to my dick.

All of my bloodwork looks normal. Test was at 698 (300-1000) and E2 was at 17. Every damn hormone was normal except for prolactin which was at 16 (0-15) so I am currently taking cabergoline at .25mg twice a week.

I've read some threads where people suspect Arimistane to act as a DHT blocker. Other people online have had gyno/lactation from this stuff, but I've never seen anyone develop ED, low libido like I have.

I'm going to treat this thing I'm going through as if it was PFS that I'm going through. Some people have suspected arimistane blocks DHT and I have the same symptoms as you guys.

I am currently in grad school. I tried water fasting for three days but couldn't study due to fatigue. Right now, I am on a modified juice feast where I eat eggs in the morning and fruits throughout the day. Other than that, just water and juices that I make. Zero gluten and paleo foods only. Yesterday, I noticed my scrotum descended to a level I haven't seen at before! Additionally, I've been having dreams, which I haven't had in a long long time when I sleep. Also, today I have been sweating out of my armpits! I was diagnosed with hyperhydrosis three years ago to the point where I needed botox in my armpits. In the last 7 months, I haven't been sweaty, I barely sweat when I workout.

I've had some days where I felt recovered prior to me trying this. Like, I would wake up with erections and have libido and could have sex 3 times a day no problem. Then, I crash..

Currently, I am taking ashwaganda, tribulus, vitamin D (4000 IU), fish oil, and sorghum flour (2 tbsp in water).

I'm going to stick to this for a some time, then try R-andro.

The only issue is, I need energy to study and therefore I hope this diet can sustain me. In addition, I am a poor grad student and don't even have health insurance. I cannot afford to buy all of the herbs and prohormones. I'm studying a type of health care and will be a doctor when I graduate. This experience will make me a more empathic doctor and I know it'll make me appreciate life more when I'm out.

CD, do you have any essential herbs you would recommend out of the ones on your website? I know they all played a role in your recovery, but I simply cannot afford them all.

Thanks, everyone! I'm going to recover - I fucking will. Before this entire ordeal, I was normal and an in fact, an animal. I have a hot girlfriend and I used to bang her 3 times a day and do all sorts of nasty things with her. I used to lift and run half marathons and I studied physiology intensively which got me into grad school. I'm going to overcome this stupid thing one way or another.

Has anyone got advice for me considering my crazy schedule, lack of money, and situation? Has anyone heard of arimistane doing such a thing to anyone?

Thank you.

- NoOtherHeart