Hey guys, I was just going to share some of my recent experiences for general scientific interest.

I've done four very short, low-dose cycles of R-Andro since July. My tolerance is really low for this stuff, so I've never been able to do a full 4-week cycle.

I've done a 3-week at 300mg, a 1-week at 200mg, a 2-week at 200mg, and a 10 day at 100mg. I've had to quit because of either fatigue or anxiety each time. Waiting longer between cycles seems to increase tolerance slightly, but I've been impatient about this.

While on cycle, I have stronger erections and get jacked up physically, but the mental sides get way worse, and this makes me kind of dread cycles.

However, everytime I come off a cycle, I get a big surge in every category of PFS symptom, and then this levels out into a slightly higher baseline. Length or strength of cycle has not seemed to change the benefits, although I can only imagine a good solid 400mg cycle for 4 weeks would make things even better.

Hope this is useful to someone.