
I finally feel I'm really on the protocol now so I can stop bitchin about pH and fast clinics and actually start documenting what I'm doing.

I'm sticking to the diet well now. No chocolate or gluten for 2 weeks now and to be honest I barely miss it. I try to limit fruit as well I just can't take the sugar for some reason.

No real physical improvements but fuck it, it's early doors.

Mentally I actually feel pretty good. The anxiety I've had for a while now is drying up. My brain is in a kind of siege mentality. It's like being in a swamp, you keep driving forward because if you wallow you sink.

I've also adjusted my gym regime to target my forearms which shrivelled up after pfs.

One thing I do really suck at is meditation. My mind gets fidgety and wanders into bad places whenever I try, this is true if I use holosync, music or silence. Instead I've started reading a lot of books every spare second I get, my brain stays busy, calm and off the internet cesspool.

Either I recover or I go down swinging, but I'm never going to just roll over and give up.