Week 3

This week returned to the gym after been away from it for 3 weeks. Have to say it's been a joy to return eating after the fast. Everything is delicious and appreciate it all now and so easy to stay away from takeaways, sugars and foods which I'm intolerant to.

The downside is that I lost quite a bit of weight, coming from someone who is already very lean and slim it isn't a good look. But it has taught me to look beyond my physical appearance, forget about looking my best or being buff for the time being. The real work is about setting the foundations to get better and reach optimal health. So I get over myself.

This for me is a journey towards a new life and before that happens the old one needs tearing down . So I left my ego at the door as soon as I stepped back in the gym, stopped comparing myself to others and just focused on getting back into the swings of heavy workouts which is good.. The competitive streak is still there and had to stop myself from going overboard in the workouts as I can easily get carried away with a bit of metal, anger and test building herbs flowing through the veins

The other benefit is I am now ultra lean, hardly any fat on my body after the fast. And I am making sure everything I put in my body is the best of the best, nothing less and I'm feeling fucking fantastic. I can actually focus and read without having to look at the page 3 times to absorb what I just saw lol

And after the torture of the water fast, dealing with all the mental thoughts with no food numb me tothe confrontation me with the subconscious stuff(the worst I ever felt for a long time), I now feel more confident to take on life by the horns instead of being crippled by anxiety and doubt. I really don't give a damn anymore about what other people think, or second guessing myself, I am just getting back into the habit of just fucking being and doing.

The cold showers are helping to build up my mentality there is no doubt about it. There is no hesitation now to step in that cold shower in winter here, I just psyche myself up, tell myself I am willing to walk through hell fire to get better so I'll walk through this cold to get to where I need to be and I love it. No easing in just getting n there and bring me the worst of what you got

So all positive mentally, no tiredness during the day and no brain fog. Libido felt flashes here and there but nothing yet too spectacular to report on yet, since it's early days.

But everyday getting stronger, purer and smarter and I'm loving the challenge, loving the adversity, loving the solitude and loving the darkness.