Hello everyone... I am into the 5th week of my 2nd R andro run. For the first 2 weeks I stacked it with 4 andro before dropping the latter after it gave me a lot of puffiness.

There were days on cycle when I felt great at the gym and had great energy..
However for the last few days I have been experiencing great fatigue and lethargy.
Had a back day today and had absolutely no endurance. Got knackered after 3 exercise and that was it for the workout...
My eyes just feel tired as I type this..

I have been following the rest of the protocol fairly well, and it was only day before yesterday that I had a bit of gluten and sugar...
Been avoiding those two like the plague otherwise.
However, I was feeling these symptoms even before this cheat meal.

So what do you guys say, should I continue on the andro, or should I hop on to the herbs?