Basic Nutritional Fat Loss Advice
Step 1: Starting Fresh. Scrap everything you ever knew about dieting.
Step 2: Eat protein. Consume at least 200 grams of protein a day from poultry, beef, fish and/or protein shakes. Preferably you should not rely on protein shakes, but sometimes you have to.
Step 3: Eat carbs. Eat low glycemic carbohydrates. Examples include: Rolled Oats, Yams/Sweet Potatoes, Pumpkin, Beans, Flax Bread (not bread with flax, I mean real flax bread), Brown Rice. Always try to eat some form of carbs at least once a day to maintain energy levels.
Step 4: Eat Fats. Only the healthy kinds. Walnuts and almonds are amazing here. Olive Oil and Coconut Oil are two other great choices. Always eat some fats during the day to keep the body running optimally.
Step 5: Strength Training. Progressive overload. Go to the gym 3 or 4 days a week. Perform bench press, pullups, bent over rows, rack pulls, overhead press and squats every workout. Perform 12 reps of each. Perform 4 sets of each. Please have someone teach you proper technique on all exercises, especially the squat. Don't do squats if you don't know how. Write down how much weight you lift each day in a journal. If you reach 12 reps, the next day up your weight by 5 pounds. Do each of these exercise every day until you stop increasing the amount you are lifting each month. This is extremely rudimentary, yes, but it will work for your purposes.
(Pullups may be difficult for most, have someone spot. You grab onto the pullup bar, lift your shins/feet up so someone can grab underneath. They apply a little force and help you get out a few reps. Soon enough you'll be able to do them on your own.)
Step 6: Cardio. Walk or jog for 20-30 minutes in the morning right after you wakeup. Do this before you consume any food. You can do this any number of days during the week.
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If I had a pamphlet to hand out to people looking to lose weight, this is what it would have. Maybe a little more exposition on weight training, but right there is pretty simple.