Hey guys,
I've had absolutely zero cafeine after starting the protocol because i thought this was the cause that i couldn't sleep well. At this point i have to point out that due to my work and research i was a "coffee adict" in the past 7-9 cups of coffee was my regular day.
About 6 months on the protocol i can say that with Ziziphus, albizia, Blue vervein, magnesium malate and glycine my sleep has improved. I can sometimes dream again(!).
I felt that by reading cdnuts website we wheren't supposed to drink coffee. However the past 10 days i think i may have been coming with a flu of some sort and i do have high fever with temperatures between (37.8 Celcius up to 39.5 Celcius) and even though i didn't accept antibiotics because i am too afraid the doc gave me a paracetamol pill* that after consuming for 5 days i read it also has 65mg's of cafeine! I have been taking two of those pills one at morning and one at afternoon so i have been taking 130mg's of cafeine for 5 days now. Even though i feel slugish due to this flu i have a great mood and i believe since i haven't changed anything in my protocol it could be the cafeine.
Is it safe to start drinking coffee at this point or should i wait more time within the protocol to start?
Are there any recomended brands that do not contain chemicals? I also saw in a lost empire herbs youtube video Logan making bulletproof coffee and i looked it up.
It seems ghee is a mechanism for bacopa to work even better and i've been thinking about trying bulletproof.
Any opinions on the case highly appreciated!
*This is the first pill that i took that isn't written in the protocol.