Quote Originally Posted by entropy View Post
I couldn't in good consciousness not come back eventually. Just busy times in life. I can't say I don't miss the old lot like burly, nate, scope etc. Be nice to find em somewhere else if just for the extra knowledge.

You'll have to link me to the site man, I'd really like to get in on that. Rough/stressful normie times right now but soon I'll get in a chance to push things again and see where I end up..

It's weird people are asking after me tbh but it's nice. I think they took my attitude here after six months as "fully recovered" when tbh a lot of them are better off than I was at that point.

I'm definitely gonna stick around and check in a few times at week at least it's not swole as we know it but it's got potential.
I'm probably going to start a Total Male Optimization forum, because honestly, I don't know how much longer this place has. Especially seeing as we are the ONLY action here now.

I want to be able to directly deal with newcomers, which I can't do now because I'm only a mod, not an administrator. There are a backlog of guys waiting to be granted access to their accounts which I have no power or control over whatsoever.

The forum component to the website is going to be very important when corresponding with new guys. Of course I'm going to have a PFS section just like here, but the majority of the site is going to be for "normal" dudes who want to run the protocol for life enhancement.

I do wish there was a way to get ALL the posts we've accumulated here for posterity. It's crushing to lose all of that. I'm wondering if there is a way to at least copy them somehow.