Hey all,

I like to think my recovery is progressing pretty well. Definitely enjoying music more, I have a lot of creativity back, etc. But one of the biggest things I'm still having trouble with is downstairs. There's a lack of libido (not completely. It comes in waves, but most of it isn't there), ED, and my prostate often feels kinda empty and in some slight pain, especially after I jerk off.

So, I was wondering what tips there might be to not only get me to the last stages of recovery, but also keeping care of my prostate. I recently discovered there's a history of prostate cancer in my family, which means I need to be extra careful after having PFS. Let me know what you guys do (or think I should do) to help out things downstairs.

Lastly, I know the first thing CD will tell me is to stop jerking off. I hear you, brother. I'm certainly doing it less frequently. I'll work on that even more going forward.