Quote Originally Posted by MrSatan View Post
To be honest I didn't do the breathing exercises since the fast. Yet have to implement these. I still have to find out the benefits for this one...mabye I was doing them wrong before or not conistently enough.

Always have gotten more out of meditation =mostly benefits for anxiety/stress relief. I'll probably try to combine the two, a nice breathing session followed by deep meditation.

I love this trance like state in which you're put in sometimes during meditation, even if it's just there for seconds. Sometimes there seem to appear some subliminal pictures from my subconscious mind, often forgotten memories from my childhood or random feelings and stuff like that, which I think is awesome. One time it induced a beautiful melancholia, something I haven't felt in quite a while...it brought some tears to my eyes. Sometimes it makes you see more clear so you can perceive the bigger picture and lets you realize the more important things, other times it just pushes your state of well-being a bit (very subtle). I did meditate before my current condititon too and together with exercise it worked wonders for my social anxiety and induced a very grounded inner calmness. It's something probably everyone should do.
The breathing exercises are the fastest way to get you brain in the proper mindset for a nice deep mediation. I've had some of my deepest meditations because of this practice. If you enjoy mediation, this will increase the pleasure and effectiveness of your mediation by leaps and bounds. It really makes that much of a difference.