Yeah I’ll stay away from here for a bit. I’m like a sponge right now.. it really is a different for someone my age lol.

The cold showers, bathmate, breathing exercises & 21 day test rotation is something I will be doing forever even after this.

Prohormones could speed things up for me true, but I just wanna wait till I’m 100%. Even if it takes a bit longer..

Could imagine taking my youth. & then putting all these on top of it.. it’s so amazing that it’s actually hard to imagine lol.

I’m just really on this. When I lift or sprint I do it with an intensity like I’m fighting PFS,. I remember when English was recovering, one of his posts he said that he feels like with each workout he’s “squeezing away PFS”.

I’m telling you when the muscle pumps return I will be euphoric.. at that point I would not care if ever had sex again. (Ofc I will have sex again) but when you get hit with bad PFS, you appreciate just being stable mentally.. & everything else improving just makes you happy.

give a man who hasn’t eaten in ages a little bit of food, watch how happy he will be.