So I've been lingering for a while and figured i'd make a thread for myself..

I've been having pfs for the past 8 years, from the ages 21-29. Needless to say but times have been tough. I've tried many other protocols with varying success and have started the protocol since 2 weeks ago.
Timeline of protocols:

- 21-24 -> clueless about what to do, mainly continued bodybuilding w/ clomid as per pfs doctor but was having major digestive issues
- 24-27 -> Vegan diet with Ayurvedic detoxing, dropped down to 150 pounds from 180, felt more grounded and less anxious
- 27-28 -> Was trained by Steve Maxwell and did a food combining diet with kettlebell training, gained considerable in the sexuality & motivation angle
- 28-29 -> Took the year off from stressful call center job to chill and lived at a yoga ashram and wwoofed at farms

Which brings me to today, It's hard to estimate my percentage but i'd say I'm around 65%-70%. I think i'm at a point in recovery that i'm subconsciously ready to share my story with you guys. I'm ready to take it to the end and finally be done with all this.