Quote Originally Posted by jacknap View Post
is this a limiting belief or isn't there diminishing returns after lifting a certain amount of weight? and the weight much lower. my testosterone was over range just when I was lifting 250lbs 8x3 deadlifts at 170lbs 6'0. I have a theory that yes I can lift probably much more then that with more weight + progressive overload but it will eat up all my free T that I can allocate to other things.

a lot of UFC fighters for instance has very low free T because of overtraining. if you're on gear however the sky is the limit
UFC guys are training in the weight room and also doing their respected fighting discipline (which is basically a workout) daily.. yes those two things together without a break at some point will lead to overtraining.. I heard a lot of them workout twice a day.. & to wrap it up, since it’s combat and endurance is necessary, those guys are definitely jogging long distance... & we all know what that does to you hormonally. All that together I wouldn’t be surprised about the low free T thing. I go hard but I only lift 3x a week & pretty much chilling in between.

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