Alright mate, these symptoms developed whilst taking this Great Lakes product. Literally it was progressive. Began developing really bad brain fog, struggling to cum, losing sensitivity massive fatigue didn’t put two n two together. Last two were i ended up in hospital with major parathesia in my arms and legs and genitals. As soon ad I stopped it the parathesia left my arms n legs but had stayed with my genitals. They are literally numb, not only that my vision is affected, my bladder I can’t feel if i need a piss or not, my appetite is wiped.
Ive read that glutamate acid when evalated can cause so much damage to nerves and the brain. Ive got every symptom of auntomatic nerve damage/dysfunction, symptoms I simply did not have two months back. Im in a really really bad place because i was coming right.

This has fucked me up faaar worse than anything else. I was coming back, im really really in a bad space. Ive got suicidal ideation really really bad. To think that I didn’t even need this aswell. Cost me £20 off amazon and im completely fucked.