Quote Originally Posted by RickTheRuler View Post
hey guys. I’m having a tough time with over analyzing, it feels like I’m going backwards cause of this..ebb and flow though as we all understand.

My situation is that since I’m doing all these things protocol related & making it a way of life.. I have been isolating from friends, families, get togethers cause of the lifestyle. & it’s exhausting to fake it till you make

Damn and English’s theory about just getting on with life & not to stress is spot on, but every time I get to that point, my Brain goes “well there you are stressing” this makes me think I won’t recover. It’s probably just a downswing but I’m super critical of myself when it comes to this aspect.

I just want to live my damn life.

I’m at work but when I get out I’m gonna go to the park and literally scream & ball my eyes out. I need to get all this shit that’s in me the fuck out. I have a ton of bad feelings in me , & i can’t distinguish a downswing vs back to square one. Breathing helps for a bit then it returns.

This is also making me hold off on my first Andro cycle.

Still lifting heavy, def have some adrenal type symptoms but I guess it’s part of the ebb and flow right? So keep on keeping on?

Give me tips fellas

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Reduce your stress. Ask yourself what's really important to your life right now and take actions daily that move you in that direction.

Reguardless if you don't believe in the EMF's being bad for you story..you live in one of the least conducive enviroments for health that exhists imo. Great for making money I'm sure...but this thing will have you readjusting priorities.

Money for me now doesn't mean shit compared to fixing my health.