Currently in a downswing & I hate the world right about now. Kinda been slacking on cold showers. & I haven’t done breathing or meditation in a long time. I’ve been diligent with exercise, diet, & herbal rotations though, that’s been on the straight & narrow. I’m getting pissed off, but I guess I’m just gonna be a really slow recoverer. Just the way it is.


I gotta get on this since I’m running out of some herbs. 400 mg for 6 weeks starting Monday. Full steam ahead on protocol & will continue to do pro hormone runs & 2 month herbs indefinitely.. I waited till now cause I really didn’t feel ready 2 months in during the summer. I was so worried & in a bad place.

It was nice to have some complex carbs for the first time since this thing happened to me back in March/April. Had 2 boxes of gluten free Mac & cheese post workout yesterday. I understand that carbs are needed especially on pro hormone runs. I have been so strict with just paleo that it has been dragging on me. I bust my ass more than anyone lifting so i need these foods.I know it’s lost somewhere in old threads but can anyone list all the backloading foods & type of ice cream you guys use?

How should I spread these out during the day. I work from 800 am to 3:30 pm & lift around 5 pm.

& lastly. Under what circumstances should I stop using these. I see some guys have to come off cause their mood got fucked up. I understand the purpose of these runs, so I will deal with whatever shit comes with it if it puts me in a better baseline.

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