One of the main problems with dealing with this is not so much the symptoms,but the Isolation this condition brings. The medical field doesn't know what the fuck to do about you so they deny your condition, pharma just sits on the back without aknowledging their mess, but most importantly -society is not aware of this condition. You are technically shun from society in a big aspect.

The efforts I tend to see in the PFS community to beg for academia to sort out this problem seem futile given that for THAT to happen, an awareness must be created first.
Generally the public would be worried by hearing all the horror stories: All the women who are damaged with PFS like symptoms each year by the use of anticontraceptives like Yasmin, thousands of already mentally damaged people getting hit by PSSD, lots of teenagers getting struck with horrible endocrine side effects by the use of Acutane and of course, us.

People would be outraged by all of this and we would get some media traction which would help for more funding and reasearch of all this mess but most importantly, It would let society know about this pharmautical pandemic that is going on with a shitload of meds.
There's some youtube content here and there about all this conditions but it's preety much invisible and most websites that talk about this seem preety useless,not in the sense of not being informative, but in the sense that there's not an awareness being created in regards of this conditions. It would be a far better idea for The PFS foundation and Propecia help to instead relying on the same dog that bit them, to make an awareness campaign first......but this is highly improbable to happen in the near future.

A far more plausible thing would be that the most well known PFS, PSSD, Post acutane and Post yasmin recoverers to get into a proper media outlet, like a podcast.
The idea of getting someone who has overcomed this condition and let their stories be heard not by the sufferers of this condition,but the avarege joe, would be the first step.
Just imagine if Chi, BrongFogBoy or CD could get a a talk with Joe rogan or Jocko willink. Letting all the viewers hear about their crash, frustration with the medical system, array of side effects and ways they crawled out of that pit of despair - that would make for a great podcast.

Of course there's going to be users trying to dispute what i'm saying, telling me to quit whinning and just get into sorting myself out. By saying all this i'm not advocating for us to just sit around and wait for this to happen without implementing any regimes to get our life back, that would be pretty idiotic if you ask me. All of what I'm talking about here would be an addon to all of this -a great one.

It's soul crushing how millions of individuals are affected by the conditions that I'm talking but they are invisible to society, due to a lack of awareness that has been made.
If you recover that's fantastic, not denying that, but that won't prevent more people each year of falling into this pharmaceutical black hole.

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless.
Not to speak is to speak.
Not to act is to act.”

― Dietrich Bonhoeffer