Originally Posted by
You could get an EBV test. A positive IGM marker means you have an active infection, and a positive IGG marker means you have had an active infection in the past.
I gave you some pointers in my reply a few days ago, but you didn't acknowledge them. Rule out stuff. I would do the following tests: Lyme, EBV, SIBO, and a complete stool test (GI-MAP).
Im not putting you down man. Goldensun basically said the exact same thing as me in his reply, I was just being more direct. And if more people were active here, they would say the same thing. I don't care about your personality type, I'm not gonna sugar coat this. And when I say you did nothing this year, of course I'm talking protocol-wise. Geez.
And you edited your last post, but you initially said you had numerous 6+ months stretches of perfect protocol. Looking at your thread, I don't see it, when was that? You said it yourself, you can't compare yourself to people timeline-wise. I made good progress for the first 6 months, and then I went through hell for a complete year. In your thread, you see a 7day no fap as a success, so surely you're not completely fucked. For the first 18 months I must've fapped 10 times, because it would crash me badly.
I'm not attacking you, I'm questioning how dedicated you are. Absolutely, you can come here to seek reassurance if you're doing the work this forum is built around. But seeking reassurance while doing absolutely nothing? What's the point man? I'm super willing to help you man, I have learned a shitload about co-infections and gut issues, and it has really helped my recovery. But if you're gonna complain that you think you're immune to recovering while doing absolutely nothing, then maybe Propeciahelp is more fitting for you.