As i read through the recoveries thread on this forum, one consistent theme that stood out for me was those who recovered just made the protocol a way of life and tried to mentally forget they were on any protocol and forget they had PFS. They got it out of their head! They got on with life! Yes once you have given your body the tools, ie the protocol, the rest after time is just psychological! A negative mindset will seriously damage you and your health, prevent you from recovering, you loose sleep etc. The positive one can heal and fix the pathways in your brain that are broken.
I sense you’re a little stuck in the sympathetic nervous system right now! Hey we all are until recovery happens! That’s why calming the mind is so important.
You’ve got this! Just tweak your way of life a little. You know where you need to improve, just give yourself that kick up the arse and get moving with it! Looking forward to hearing your positive news soon