Quote Originally Posted by LetsGo View Post
I might have broken my toe; I had to rush to answer a phone call, and when I moved quickly, I slammed my toe very hard into a dumbbell that I’d carelessly left on the floor. Minutes later, it still hurt and my sock was bloody where I’d hit the dumbbell. The nail is still intact, thankfully. It hurt to walk, but I still made it to the gym for back day. (3/4 mile walk to the gym.) The walk back hurt less.

I’m not going to sprint today / Saturday if it still hurts, and we’ll see about Sunday. If it’s broken I have to wait for it to heal up for a bit.

My legs are a little sore from a good leg workout, which is nice. Need to up the intensity for the other lifts as well. Also finally reaching 5 days of nofap 🙄 which is my 2021 record, sadly. Going to try for at least 60, if not 90+, if possible.

They don’t do much for a minorly broken toe like this may be, so I’m fine with a band aid. Hopefully in a few days it won’t hurt, and then I can safely sprint maybe next weekend... I don’t care about the pain, but I don’t want to lose the nail or cause a minor break not to heal properly if I pushed myself and did sprints too soon. OTOH, I’m not waiting 6 weeks to sprint if I feel okay after just a few days.

My business is picking up and I did get paid. Feels good. Hustling this weekend, especially since it hurts to walk.
I feel you on the broken toe. If it still hurts by sprint time, simply slam your other toes into bricks to take the pain away from the broken one. Science.

Also if 5 days of nofap is an impressive feat, you’re WAY ahead of the game. I swear I haven’t felt the need to touch my dick in like 2 months, and I’ve considered myself doing “well” lately.

You’re doing fine my friend. Tough it the fuck out and get it done.