Quote Originally Posted by Zonz View Post
Only God will decide what the right path for you is. If you fail, that is what he wanted. If you succeed, that is what he wanted as well. It’s up to you to decide what that means.

Living in a big city is not only bad for your sexual sides due to pollution (my sides improve a lot in the countryside, and many others have reported this as well) but also bad for your mentality. In a city you are surrounded by some people that live and die without a moment of genuine fulfillment, in part due to living in an unhealthy environment and in part due to their never-satiated greed. You don’t want to become a slave to those people, nor do you want to become those people. If you don’t remain disciplined and diligent you yourself will fall into that state. You can live where you choose though, this is just simply my advice.

We have already disobeyed God’s path by using man made pharmaceutical drugs to achieve beauty when in fact we were already blessed with beauty to begin with. But in a PFS state you can even further slip into a state of manic beyond repent. Watch yourself, remain diligent and aware. Work through the brain fog and be good and disciplined, every step of the way. Even when it’s inconvenient. And work hard.

Therapy is a hit or miss, as you said many are not there for you and will prescribe you pharmaceutical drugs which will make you worse in the long run.

I wish you a fulfilling life and a recovery from PFS.
I appreciate that you’re wishing me well, and I wish you well too. Please don’t take what I’m about to say the wrong way, but there are a bunch of things you wrote that I wanted to comment on, because I have a different perspective.

I feel that recovery is entirely within my own control and I do not believe in predestination, or that divine powers control outcomes. I don’t believe in a supernatural force controlling what I do, or the outcomes of my actions, or that there is a grand plan that was set out in advance. I enthusiastically celebrate you having those beliefs, but they’re quite different than mine. We definitely don’t share similar religious beliefs.

Reading between the lines a bit, I feel like you’re saying that there’s doubt and uncertainty about recovering. That it’s all up to some higher power, rather than my own actions. I disagree - this board is about taking charge and taking ownership. If I don’t recover, it’ll be because I gave up or I didn’t follow the directions properly, not because of sins, destiny, religion, or where I choose to live.

I do not think that it is healthy to think of PFS as a curse, or as a punishment for the sin of vanity or anything along those lines. I found that to be a little hurtful. Part of the healing process, for me anyway, is learning to forgive one’s self for taking finasteride, and accepting it. Unconditional self-acceptance. We took a risk, and it didn’t pay off, but that doesn’t mean we were morally worse than someone who dyes their prematurely graying hair, or someone who gets a nose job. If that was how the universe worked, then guys who get hair transplants or liposuction would get PFS. But that’s not how PFS works, it works biologically, through the laws of science.

I also have a different perspective when it comes to cities. I was born in NYC and lived in or next to it for +90% of my life. NYC is my real home, period. You telling me to live out in the countryside would be like me trying to convince you to convert to a different religion.

I’m not letting PFS define my life or dictate where I should live - I don’t want to have to wait X amount of time before I can return to NYC and get going with what I want to do. I don’t know if you’ve ever lived in NYC, but the air is not dirty. I’m sure the air is cleaner out in a Montana countryside or whatever, but that has nothing to do with PFS. CD did not move out to a rural area to get cured, and lots of guys who live in big cities, including NYC, have been cured. This is our first interaction, so it’s a bit bold to assume that I am a rural person.

I have a very different perspective than you do about NYC being an unhealthy environment, and it rubbed me the wrong way when you insinuated that it’s filled with insatiable greed, or that it carries this risk of turning me into an unfulfilled slave who cares only about money. Perhaps you already consider me to be such a person. But anyway, I lived most of my life in or next to NYC. It’s home to me. I’m sure people could say negative things about where you like to live, but that’s not a kind thing to do. There are good and bad people everywhere, and whether someone wants to live in a city or not comes down to their personal preferences. Moving out to the countryside is the last thing I’d want to do.

So just to reiterate, I’m not angry at you and I wish you all the best. Please don’t take the above differences as criticism; we just have different perspectives. I’m wishing you a speedy recovery.