Thanks for the encouraging words! I ordered more herbs after my last post and am now on a 15 day cycle. I also started 24hr fast every other week. I'm thinking I am around 80% now. Depending on the day of course. I still have days that I am 90-100 and that one day a week where im more like 60-70. ON that day I spend most of the time being pissed off now though instead of being in a constant state of fatigue and anxiety. When I am home alone I can relax and almost feel no symptoms. Just the occasional negative thoughts that persist for a few minutes longer then they should but then I am ok. One thing that is weird is my head and ears pop constantly. Idk if anyone else has this?

It does get harder to follow the protocol when you get to 80-90%. There's not that constant motivation to do every thing exactly as your supposed to. Doing breathing exercises when you don't feel any anxiety or getting in a cold shower when you wake up and feel completely normal for example. But I still am not at the point where I want to go out and drink and be my old self meeting new people etc. Mostly because I don't want to drink but I am also still a little bit slow cognitively when I'm around new people. So it's this weird limbo period. It gets a little lonely. I hope that this is my new baseline and from here I can be completely healed sometime this summer. This seemed like an impossible dream only a couple of months ago. I am hoping to avoid going on Andro cycle but if I am still stuck in this limbo by the end of June I will start that I think. Gotta keep hitting the protocol 100% for now