Pumpkin seeds are full of zinc, and zinc pulls out copper from your tissues into your bloodstream, that is why you feel bad. I had the same. Eating oysters and beef will have the same affect. This is a good thing as you want copper out. I am busy now for 3 years detoxing to get the copper out. Extreme copper toxicity has been the cause for my PFS, and will turn out to be for many of us. I was already born high in copper and finasteride (and lifestyle) even increased it more, untill i was completly full and eventually crashed. Get your zinc and b-vitamins up, and your copper down, this will cure you in the end. It sounds simple but it is a hellish road, and there is no other option. Dont fast or juice feast, you gotto get meat (protein) in your system. You will feel worse before you feel better, no doubt about it. Google copper toxicity, without even meeting or talking to him, dr wilson sites saved my life. I will do my story when i am feeling better, as i am still in the detox process, but i am getting there.

So yes, pumpkin seeds are good for you (us)... :-)