I'm really thinking about diving into this finally. Been surviving 4 years of this bullshit, but I still get annoyed seeing the dark circles under my eyes never fucking go away since this drug, seeing my balls shriveled, and just feeling like my body's not quite aging or working quite properly.

Firstly, should I be pretty safe to use them at this point? Been using the hormones for probably 2 years on and off... been using them about everyday recently again for near a month.
I know I've seen CDN and others mention not to go into the prohormones too soon without using the herbs.
Fixed my energy years ago with the herbs and caffeine. Currently energy still feels pretty good - I've been getting bigger and stronger in the gym for months, on top of working a physical labor kind of job.

Secondly, what kind of pros should I realistically hope for? I'd really love to fix the issues I mentioned before. I know many members here mention increased energy, lower anxiety, etc... and that would be a cool bonus I guess.

And final - final question, what brand are you guys recommending these days? The original supplement CDN used to recommend I believe I read has ran out entirely at this point, so I've been seeing multiple brand names thrown around.