Quote Originally Posted by jacknap View Post
I'd imagine sweet spot varies. I think africans can do with lower like 8% and northern euros higher for the winters? I wonder what mine is. My top 4 abs are always visible and I can get the bottom 2 to shop with like 2-3 days of diligence. Barely makes a difference with girls so I don't bother that much anymore.
Got my bodyfat at 7% with a pretty high accuracy 1.5 years ago, did the test again and averaged between 3.5-4.5%

My packs are bulging out like my veins, and i'm currently 69kg, gained 5.5kg since my crash standing at 185...

I'm not complaining but i already had had a very slim face and chiselled cheekbones, but my skin started to sag out so it looks like i've aged 1-2 years during a short amount of time, not to mention my cheekbones losing it's jag.

First world war problems, i know. I don't mind it, just writin' down a few stats.