Just finished my 2nd 5-day water fast. Definitely easier this time around, body seemed much more equipped than last time. That being said, this was one of the busiest/most stressful weeks at work I’ve ever had, so not optimal timing for my fast. We completely moved warehouse locations w/ two guys, so physically demanding too.

Some notable experiences:

Day 2: Severe brain fog —> this lead to extreme emotional breakdown. Copper purge, hormone shifts, extreme anxiety & stress, keto flu, who knows what caused it? Slept well afterwards though.

Day 3: Recovery from day 2. Slowly felt better. Nothing notable.

Day 4: Energy burst & clarity. Felt well enough for an intense downhill bike ride & weight session.

Day 5: Sluggish af.

Refed w/ a kettle&fire beef bone broth, celery, spinach, cilantro, arugula microgreens, green onion, garlic, a little ghee (all cooked w/ each other). 1/4 cup bubbies sauerkraut & 1/4 cup fermented carrots. Hardly shit anything out this time!

Green shake ~2hrs later. Steamed dino kale, purple kale, & beet greens in blender w/ parsley, lemon wedge, small green apple, ginger, turmeric, cucumber, & 2 scoops vital proteins collagen. I thought this would really do me in, but aside from some stomach gurgles, all good.

Went to bed ~hour later & woke up & had a nice, solid poop. Slept well the entire fast, only one wake up/night & easily fell back asleep.

5’9”. Dropped from 172lbs to 159lbs, haven’t checked to see what I’ve rebounded to. It looks like I’m actually a little less muscular at my leanest this time around, so I don’t plan on extended fasting again for another
8-12 months. I probably should have waited two more months until this fast, but oh well.

I’m going to really focus on gains from here on out. Just hit a 5x5 @ 225 on bench, so strength is still there. Testing squats & deadlifts these next few days.

I also want to incorporate more food diversity. I’m going to start by adding goat kefir for dairy & potentially some beans for backloading down the road.

Enjoying another green shake for breakfast today, different ingredients this time around around. I really want to go buy a grass fed ribeye for dinner tonight, you guys think that’s too much too quickly? It’d be ~26 hours post fast.

All the best,
