Allright man keep up the good work !

Sorry didn't mean to sound negative or soo. It's quite a bit of a sensitive topic for me, since I spent hundreds of hours reading really deep into health, and idk I'm pretty convinced that fasting is probably the greatest tool we have.
But then I saw all these people on hackstasis who have fasted and still had all these issues for such a long time. It would mess with me mentally seeing all this. Till I read more and more, and the old posts, aand the veery old posts. And in the end it was always the same, I mean I don't wanna blame ppl, everybody tries and decides for himself right. But I alwaaaaaays found the same shite, ppl fasting and taking hormones, or taking benzos, or refeeding with processed foods but not fasting again yadayada.

There's even an argument going on if the body can even tap into deep autophagy when we drink SALT water LOL(since it stimulates digestion).
There just aren't enough studies to show what actively messes with a prolonged fast or even helps it (coffee etc), but probably anything exogenous besides minor minerals does.

And I'm salty cuz I'm overstressed with ma work atm, dropping an all-nighter tonight to just get done with it xD. Short term suffering for the long-term goals it is ._.
So keep it up, great to hear you're doing better, with that I seriously mean getting off stuff and surviving, and even getting bit better? That's huge mate
The longer we take it serious for a period of time the faster we can get to relax with all of this here and there^^