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  1. #11
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cdsnuts View Post
    How long have you been on the protocol and how strict were you maintaining?
    i’ve been on the protocol since june. juice feasted for a week then. pretty strict on protocol over summer, got back to school, kept it up and started to feel pretty damn good a lot of the time october - november.

    i did have a rough patch where i wasnt really able to work out, ran out of pine pollen and probiotics, had family stress, and diet was so so. after i drank on new years which i obviously regret, i felt like i crashed again.

    i then fasted for 5 days a few weeks back. i honestly didnt feel like i got much out of the fast and refeed which damaged my morale a bit. i’ve had some cheats on diet in this recent rough patch, though it isn’t frequent. i do recognize that in my body’s vulnerable state i need to do better than that. i also think my stress has been through the roof which is definitely contributing.

    but i’m still on the protocol. i haven’t stopped taking the herbs, supplements, taking cold showers, giving a shit about what i eat, hitting the gym, and meditating. i’m just still shaken up right now and its been pretty dark again. i hate that i’m struggling to talk to people again and don’t feel healthy enough to pursue my goals. im anxious as fuck and ive been really hard on myself in spite of whats in my own best interest. i want to get better but im feeling really low these days. this relapse has definitely given me some sort of traumatic reaction, and im trying to overcome it but struggling.

    my bad if this is too much information right now. i’ve got to express that what you do for people is the most valuable, pure thing. myself and other people dealing with shit like this just have to keep moving forward.

  2. #12
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    Keep moving forward. It sounds like you’re doing everything right, so you will heal. And the better news is: if you’re doing something wrong (and you know if you are), then you have your solution (stop doing what you shouldn’t be). Otherwise, this is a test of faith. I’m a fucking atheist, and there are many days that I want to break down and pray to the powers that be.

    I would bet that what you and I are dealing with (re: my thread) is completely stress induced, or at least significantly exacerbated by.

    Here’s a new tool for you. Anytime you feel anxious or like you’re about to break down, pause. Acknowledge it. Remove yourself from that thought. Then return to your breath and whatever you’re doing. That’s your meditation now; That’s you removing yourself from your thoughts and being present; that’s your mental bicep curl. You might have to do this 15x in 30 minutes. Doesn’t matter. The more reps you do of this, the better you will be able to combat your anxiety and your downswings. There will be days when you will revert right back to the thoughts that you thought you had already put to rest. Don’t let that deter you. The only way to devour a whale like this is one bite at a time, or some shit like that.

    I wish I was good at taking my own advice. I wouldn’t be on this forum so frequently or looking for reassurance regarding every feeing, thought, and side effect I experience. But, I suck at self validation, and I pay a lot of money to my therapist to tell me that. I am in the same boat as you rn, and so are a lot of the guys on this forum. We’ll call ourselves PFS grads class of 2020. Better days really are on their way.
    Last edited by Ratchet; 02-11-2020 at 08:34 PM.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ratchet View Post

    Keep moving forward. It sounds like you’re doing everything right, so you will heal. And the better news is: if you’re doing something wrong (and you know if you are), then you have your solution (stop doing what you shouldn’t be). Otherwise, this is a test of faith. I’m a fucking atheist, and there are many days that I want to break down and pray to the powers that be.

    I would bet that what you and I are dealing with (re: my thread) is completely stress induced, or at least significantly exacerbated by.

    Here’s a new tool for you. Anytime you feel anxious or like you’re about to break down, pause. Acknowledge it. Remove yourself from that thought. Then return to your breath and whatever you’re doing. That’s your meditation now; That’s you removing yourself from your thoughts and being present; that’s your mental bicep curl. You might have to do this 15x in 30 minutes. Doesn’t matter. The more reps you do of this, the better you will be able to combat your anxiety and your downswings. There will be days when you will revert right back to the thoughts that you thought you had already put to rest. Don’t let that deter you. The only way to devour a whale like this is one bite at a time, or some shit like that.

    I wish I was good at taking my own advice. I wouldn’t be on this forum so frequently or looking for reassurance regarding every feeing, thought, and side effect I experience. But, I suck at self validation, and I pay a lot of money to my therapist to tell me that. I am in the same boat as you rn, and so are a lot of the guys on this forum. We’ll call ourselves PFS grads class of 2020. Better days really are on their way.
    thanks man, i appreciate that a ton. i'm with you on the difficulty taking your own advice thing. you've got to extend some damn kindness to yourself when you're going through some shit like this. keep on keepin on with this thing. you got this.

  4. #14
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    alright so my second set of bloods came in. t is still low but not nearly to the same extent, 220. i can look at this and recognize that i've got to work to do to improve it, but not fucking panic. i know labs are far from everything, but this is a small relief. cortisol is also high, at 22, but i can't say i'm surprised there. gotta keep taking care of myself and doing things right. things will improve with time.

  5. #15
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    Bitch you gotta dingbat mimickinwg protocol!??!!?

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